Supervisory Board
Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board is a permanent collegial supervisory body that contributes to solving perspective tasks of the University's development, popularisation of its achievements in scientific and educational activities, assists the University administration in implementing the state policy in the field of higher education and science, supervises property management, facilitates attraction of financial resources for the University's activities and control over their use, effective interaction of the University with state authorities, scientific community, political and social organisations, as well as commercial organisations, participation in the formation of educational, scientific and financial strategy of the activity and prospects for the development of the University, creation of a modern basic infrastructure and development of social infrastructure, submission of proposals for amendments to the Statute to the Academic Council, etc. The Supervisory Board meetings are held as may be necessary.

Риженков Юрій Олександрович
Генеральний директор ТОВ «Метінвест Холдинг»
Данкова Юлія Сергіївна

 Фiнансовий директор ТОВ «Метінвест Холдинг»

Романова Світлана Миколаївна
Директор з правового забезпечення ТОВ «Метінвест Холдинг»