Education quality assurance
Formation of a quality educational product and improvement of the educational environment and its resources (human, information, methodological, material and technical) and processes of managing the quality of the educational product are the main strategic priorities of educational activities defined by the University Development Strategy until 2027.
  • quality of higher education is the compliance of learning outcomes with the requirements set out in the higher education standards (National Qualifications Framework), taking into account the personal interests of students and recommendations from stakeholders;
  • quality of educational activity is a set of characteristics of the organisation of the educational process at the University that meets the standards of higher education, internal, national and international recommendations for quality assurance, facilitates the acquisition of quality higher education by students and contributes to the creation of new knowledge;
  • the policy of quality assurance of educational activities and higher education at the University is a set of standards, recommendations and decisions adopted in accordance with the principles of quality assurance of educational activities and higher education at the University, and the process of their implementation;
  • the process of quality assurance of educational activities and higher education at the University is a set of procedures aimed at implementing the principles of quality assurance of educational activities and higher education in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine and the Regulations on Quality Assurance of Higher Education at LLC "TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY "METINVEST POLYTECHNIC" (reference to the Regulations on Quality Assurance).



Stakeholder is a person or organisation that can influence the decisions or activities of the University in the field of quality, may be affected or perceives itself to be affected by the decisions or activities of the University in the field of quality.


The subjects of internal quality management at the University are defined in the Regulations on Quality Assurance and are represented by several levels:
1) the guarantor of the educational programme and the project team (working group), the operational team of the EP - development, preliminary examination of the EP project, direct implementation of the EP and summarisation of relevant experience, analysis of proposals, comments and their implementation in the draft new edition of the EP;
2) Academic Council (since 2023) - determination of priorities and vectors of development of the educational area, recommendations on the resource provision of the EP, coordination of cooperation with METINVEST Group based on the EP profile; graduating department, dean's office, structural units (departments of academic work, information technology, research), expertise of the draft EP, support and monitoring of the educational environment, prompt response to requests and suggestions of students;
3) Department of Education Quality Management and International Projects - coordination of the development of quality regulatory documentation, methodological support of other entities, monitoring of the level of satisfaction of students with the quality of education, monitoring of the testing of procedures and measures of quality policy; working and advisory bodies, including the Rectorate, Rector and prorectors, Academic Council, Supervisory Board - generalisation of best practices, examination of educational and methodological support, general management of the processes of procurement and logistics, personnel and information support, etc., determination and implementation of the University Development Strategy.